Highlights of Standard Modules

Set-up your Company

The Admin module allows you to add the name, address, contact information, and other details about your company

GST-compliant invoice

You can generate GST-compliant invoices and e-invoices easily, as well as invoice reports.

Describe your Products

You can provide information about your products, like the name of the product, price, GST, stock, whether they come under AMC, whether they are produced internally or externally, and other facts.

Sales Workflow and Transactions

The Sales module allows you to create deals, convert the deals to quotations, sales orders, proforma invoices, and invoices easily within no time, and send the same to the customer by e-mail and WhatsApp. It also has facilities to store the PO, generate delivery challans, add payments to the invoices, schedule AMC visits, add notes about installation, etc.

Create Profiles of your Customers and Vendors

You can add your customers’ names, addresses, contact information, and other details to the customer portal.

Project Implementation Workflow

You can simply keep track and monitor the implementation of your projects at various stages: starting the projects, preparing the products for supply, delivery, installation, and completion of the projects

Simplified Purchase Procedure

The Purchase module allows you to get quotes to buy products or materials, generate and send Purchase Orders, receive the bills, get purchase input, and add the payment details of all the purchases you made

Standard Modules


Set-up Company Details Agents Role


Product Description Stock Warranty AMC


Customer Profile Contact Details Project in-charge Add Customer list from Excel


Vendor Profile Contact Details


Dashboard Deal Quotation Purchase Order Project Implementation Sales Order Proforma Invoice Invoice Delivery Challan Payments AMC Schedule Notes Email


Send Quotation Create Purchase Order Receive Bills Purchase Input Bill Payment


Deals Quotations PO Project implementation Sales orders Proforma Invoice invoice-Delivery Challans Payments Reminders


Product Customer Supplier Quotation invoice AMC Tickets Purchase Accounts HR Leave Salary Lead Teams




Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

You can use the Admin menu to add the details of your company

You can add the details of your products in the Add Product option under the “Product” menu.

You can add your customers’ profiles using the customer menu and your vendors’ profiles using the vendor menu. In the HR module, you can add employee or agent profiles

You can create a deal by visiting the sales module. The Deal workflows allow you to convert the deal into a quotation, proforma invoice, or invoice.

You can search for and retrieve the correct invoice in the Sales module. If you click the selected invoice, the invoice will be retrieved and displayed on the screen. Again click the invoice deal number to get the “payment” on the top of Sales Workflow, then select the “Payment” and click“ Add Payments.” You can enter here the details of payments received, such as date, mode of payment, amount received, and other payment details, and save them.

You can first add payments as given under “How do I add payments to an invoice?” and click “generate receipts.”

You can search and retrieve the correct invoice. Then click “Generate Delivery Challan” at the bottom of the invoice descriptions and select the desired “Template” to generate the delivery challan.

Go to the “Purchase Input” menu and click “Orders.” You will get another screen called “Purchase Order Input,” where you press “+ Create Purchase Input Order.” Select the vendor name from the list, and then give your PO number, date, reference number, etc. Then add the product(s) by selecting the product name(s) from the product menu (if the product name is not in the product list, add product details using the product menu), enter the terms and conditions, save and generate the PO, and send to your vendor.
Go to the “Purchase Input” module and click the menu “Bill.” You will get the “Bill Filter” screen, where you can filter and select the correct bill. The bill is displayed on the screen after you click the correct one. Click “Add Payment” at the bottom right, give the payment details (such as the name of the bank, cheque, or transaction number, the date, the bank, etc.), and save it.